DAS 2018 Conference Sections
A - Systems, Process Control and Automation
Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems, Sensorless Control, Signal Processing, Motion Control, Petri Nets, Intelligent Systems, Neural Networks Control Systems, Machine Learning in Control Applications, Stochastic Control, Knowledge-based Systems Applications, Expert Systems, Adaptive Control, Fuzzy Systems, Chaotic Systems, Fault Diagnosis, Fault Tolerant Control, Predictive Control, Real-time Control, Robotics, Dynamic Systems, Automatic Identification Systems, Manufacturing Execution System
B - Communications and Computer Networks
Wireless Communications, Optical Communications, Radio Frequency Identification and Near Field Communications, Network Management, Network Control and Engineering for QOS, Sensor Networks and Embedded Systems, Ethernet, Bluetooth Technology, Communication Protocols, Traffic Measurement and Analysis, Fault Detection and Management, Automatic Position Reporting System, VoIP Protocols and Services, Search Engines, Performance Evaluation, Coding Algorithms, Network Security
C - Electronics and Computer Aided Engineering
Electric Circuits and Networks, Optoelectronics, Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Power Quality and Utility Applications, Nanoelectronics, Measurements and Data Acquisition, Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Reliability of Electronic Devices, Semiconductor Device Modeling, Computational Electromagnetics, Finite and Boundary Element Techniques, Monte-Carlo Simulations, Multi-scale Modeling, Materials for Electronics, Computer Aided Education and Training
D - Software Engineering and Information Technologies
Pattern Recognition, Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Multi-agent Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Adaptive Systems, Software for Industrial Informatics, Knowledge Acquisition, Human-Computer Interaction, Multimedia Systems, Knowledge Engineering, Software Test Automation and Practice, Security Technologies and Systems, E-Commerce Solutions and Applications, Web and Data Mining, Wireless-Based Applications and Systems